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It was a gorgeous late February day in central Louisiana when something magical began to happen; an interest in traditional archery had taken fire among our peers.
Several enthusiasts visited the local bow shops along with a talented bowyer. Some even went to the Ft. Polk range or shot on targets that were purchased.
It was during a 3D shoot that the Crossed Arrows Longbow Guild was conceived. Hopefully it suits all of us.
Crossed Arrows Longbow Guild (CALG) provides a welcoming place for enthusiasts to promote traditional archery and solidify friendships by following core principles.
-Promote safety
-Promote the legacy of modern traditional archery pioneers.
-Train/Practice to your best ability. You owe that to novices you’d mentor or game you’d hunt.
The goal is to have a traditional archery association that welcomes young, old, novice, master alike, embodies the spirit of friendship and follows core principles.
May your aim be true!